High-performing sales teams
spend less time copy-pasting

Stop wasting time copy-pasting data—save hours and focus on selling to the right people.


Most Popular
Sync messages automatically, track LinkedIn activity, and find more emails & phone numbers, and access to advanced analytics—plus premium support.
Starts at
Billed yearly
Start free trial
Contact Enrichment
Unlimited emails
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Find emails and mobile phone numbers with Apollo, Rock Reach & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
1 200 phone credits
icon info
Find mobile phone numbers with Apollo, Rock Reach & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
Edit HubSpot Properties on LinkedIn
icon info
View contacts properties on any LinkedIn & Sales Navigator, edit your CRM while prospecting.
Import LinkedIn contacts
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Add unlimited contacts or companies to HubSpot from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator profiles.
Auto sync messages & InMails
icon info
Sync any conversations without clicking on "Sync Messages"
Add LinkedIn invitations
icon info
hublead see linkedin connections CRM Card
Automatically add LinkedIn invitations (sent and accepted) to HubSpot as custom events.
Connect with other apps
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Connect Hublead to enrich your LinkedIn contact with other data providers such as Kaspr, Lusha & Rocket Reach.
Advanced analytics
icon info
Track your sales performance and identify where your conversion rate drops.
Premium Support


Import unlimited contacts and conversations effortlessly. Find missing emails instantly with our enrichment tool.
Starts at
Billed yearly
Start free trial
Contact Enrichment
600 email credits
icon info
Enrich contacts with Apollo & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
No phone credits
icon info
Find mobile phone numbers with Apollo, Rock Reach & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
Edit HubSpot Properties on LinkedIn
icon info
View contacts properties on any LinkedIn & Sales Navigator, edit your CRM while prospecting.
Import LinkedIn contacts
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Add unlimited contacts or companies to HubSpot from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator profiles.
Sync messages & InMails
icon info
Sync your LinkedIn messages and Sales Navigator messages to HubSpot.
Add LinkedIn invitations
icon info
hublead see linkedin connections CRM Card
Automatically add LinkedIn invitations (sent and accepted) to HubSpot as custom events.
Connect with other apps
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Connect Hublead to enrich your LinkedIn contact with other data providers such as Kaspr, Lusha & Rocket Reach.
Advanced analytics
icon info
Track your sales performance and identify where your conversion rate drops.
Premium Support


See HubSpot data on LinkedIn and update your CRM without leaving LinkedIn
No user limit
Get Started Free
Contact Enrichment
No email credits
icon info
Enrich contacts with Apollo & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
No phone credits
icon info
Find mobile phone numbers with Apollo, Rock Reach & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
Edit HubSpot Properties on LinkedIn
icon info
View contacts properties on any LinkedIn & Sales Navigator, edit your CRM while prospecting.
Import LinkedIn contacts
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Add contacts or companies to HubSpot from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator profiles.
Sync messages & InMails
icon info
Sync your LinkedIn messages and Sales Navigator messages to HubSpot.
Add LinkedIn invitations
icon info
hublead see linkedin connections CRM Card
Automatically add LinkedIn invitations (sent and accepted) to HubSpot as custom events.


Most Popular
Sync messages automatically, track LinkedIn activity, and find more emails & phone numbers, and access to advanced analytics—plus premium support.
Starts at
Billed quarterly
Start free trial
Contact Enrichment
3 000 emails credits
icon info
Find emails and mobile phone numbers with Apollo, Rock Reach & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
300 phone credits
icon info
Find mobile phone numbers with Apollo, Rock Reach & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
Edit HubSpot Properties on LinkedIn
icon info
View contacts properties on any LinkedIn & Sales Navigator, edit your CRM while prospecting.
Import LinkedIn contacts
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Add unlimited contacts or companies to HubSpot from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator profiles.
Auto sync messages & InMails
icon info
Sync any conversations without clicking on "Sync Messages"
Add LinkedIn invitations
icon info
hublead see linkedin connections CRM Card
Automatically add LinkedIn invitations (sent and accepted) to HubSpot as custom events.
Connect with other apps
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Connect Hublead to enrich your LinkedIn contact with other data providers such as Kaspr, Lusha & Rocket Reach.
Advanced analytics
icon info
Track your sales performance and identify where your conversion rate drops.
Premium Support


Import unlimited contacts and conversations effortlessly. Find missing emails instantly with our enrichment tool.
Starts at
Billed quarterly
Start free trial
Contact Enrichment
150 email credits
icon info
Enrich contacts with Apollo & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
No phone credits
icon info
Find mobile phone numbers with Apollo, Rock Reach & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
Edit HubSpot Properties on LinkedIn
icon info
View contacts properties on any LinkedIn & Sales Navigator, edit your CRM while prospecting.
Import LinkedIn contacts
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Add unlimited contacts or companies to HubSpot from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator profiles.
Sync messages & InMails
icon info
Sync your LinkedIn messages and Sales Navigator messages to HubSpot.
Add LinkedIn invitations
icon info
hublead see linkedin connections CRM Card
Automatically add LinkedIn invitations (sent and accepted) to HubSpot as custom events.
Connect with other apps
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Connect Hublead to enrich your LinkedIn contact with other data providers such as Kaspr, Lusha & Rocket Reach.
Advanced analytics
icon info
Track your sales performance and identify where your conversion rate drops.
Premium Support


See HubSpot data on LinkedIn and update your CRM without leaving LinkedIn
No user limit
Get Started Free
Contact Enrichment
No email credits
icon info
Enrich contacts with Apollo & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
No phone credits
icon info
Find mobile phone numbers with Apollo, Rock Reach & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
Edit HubSpot Properties on LinkedIn
icon info
View contacts properties on any LinkedIn & Sales Navigator, edit your CRM while prospecting.
Import LinkedIn contacts
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Add contacts or companies to HubSpot from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator profiles.
Sync messages & InMails
icon info
Sync your LinkedIn messages and Sales Navigator messages to HubSpot.
Add LinkedIn invitations
icon info
hublead see linkedin connections CRM Card
Automatically add LinkedIn invitations (sent and accepted) to HubSpot as custom events.


Most Popular
Sync messages automatically, track LinkedIn activity, and find more emails & phone numbers, and access to advanced analytics—plus premium support.
Starts at
Billed monthly
Start free trial
Contact Enrichment
1 000 emails credits
icon info
Find emails and mobile phone numbers with Apollo, Rock Reach & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
100 mobile phone credits
icon info
Find mobile phone numbers with Apollo, Rock Reach & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
Edit HubSpot Properties on LinkedIn
icon info
View contacts properties on any LinkedIn & Sales Navigator, edit your CRM while prospecting.
Import LinkedIn contacts
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Add unlimited contacts or companies to HubSpot from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator profiles.
Auto sync messages & InMails
icon info
Sync any conversations without clicking on "Sync Messages"
Add LinkedIn invitations
icon info
hublead see linkedin connections CRM Card
Automatically add LinkedIn invitations (sent and accepted) to HubSpot as custom events.
Connect with other apps
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Connect Hublead to enrich your LinkedIn contact with other data providers such as Kaspr, Lusha & Rocket Reach.
Advanced analytics
icon info
Track your sales performance and identify where your conversion rate drops.
Premium Support


Import unlimited contacts and conversations effortlessly. Find missing emails instantly with our enrichment tool.
Starts at
Billed monthly
Start free trial
Contact Enrichment
50 email credits
icon info
Enrich contacts with Apollo & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
No phone credits
icon info
Find mobile phone numbers with Apollo, Rock Reach & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
Edit HubSpot Properties on LinkedIn
icon info
View contacts properties on any LinkedIn & Sales Navigator, edit your CRM while prospecting.
Import LinkedIn contacts
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Add unlimited contacts or companies to HubSpot from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator profiles.
Sync messages & InMails
icon info
Sync your LinkedIn messages and Sales Navigator messages to HubSpot.
Add LinkedIn invitations
icon info
hublead see linkedin connections CRM Card
Automatically add LinkedIn invitations (sent and accepted) to HubSpot as custom events.
Connect with other apps
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Connect Hublead to enrich your LinkedIn contact with other data providers such as Kaspr, Lusha & Rocket Reach.
Advanced analytics
icon info
Track your sales performance and identify where your conversion rate drops.
Premium Support


See HubSpot data on LinkedIn and update your CRM without leaving LinkedIn
No user limit
Get Started Free
Contact Enrichment
No email credits
icon info
Enrich contacts with Apollo & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
No phone credits
icon info
Find mobile phone numbers with Apollo, Rock Reach & Hunter by clicking on "Enrich".
Edit HubSpot Properties on LinkedIn
icon info
View contacts properties on any LinkedIn & Sales Navigator, edit your CRM while prospecting.
Import LinkedIn contacts
icon info
hubspot linkedin integration
Add contacts or companies to HubSpot from LinkedIn & Sales Navigator profiles.
Sync messages & InMails
icon info
Sync your LinkedIn messages and Sales Navigator messages to HubSpot.
Add LinkedIn invitations
icon info
hublead see linkedin connections CRM Card
Automatically add LinkedIn invitations (sent and accepted) to HubSpot as custom events.

Learn how to use Hublead in minutes

Import LinkedIn profiles and activities to HubSpot with a single click!
G2 logorating stars illustration

“This has made my life so much easier as a sales executive.”

chrome store logorating stars illustration

“The best out of the 5 I have tested out already!

capterra logorating stars illustration

“Super simple, easily integrated, very user friendly!”

Plans comparison


Start now


Start free trial


Start free trial


See HubSpot contacts on LinkedIn
Edit HubSpot properties on LinkedIn
Sales Navigator integration
Add LinkedIn contacts to HubSpot
Sync LinkedIn messages & InMails
Refresh HubSpot contact with LinkedIn info
Add LinkedIn invitations
View LinkedIn connections in HubSpot

HubSpot lists, reports & workflows

List of LinkedIn contacts
LinkedIn conversations report
Prospect's birthday notification
LinkedIn connections report

Emails & phones enrichment integrations

Waterfall Enrichment
Email credits
50/month or 600/year
1000/month or unlimited/year
Phone Credits
100/month or 1200/year
Rocket Reach


Live chat
Premium support
Dedicated Account Manager

Frequently asked questions


How can businesses measure the success of their ABM efforts?
Businesses track metrics like website visits from target accounts, email response rates, and sales cycle length to determine how well their strategy is performing.
What are the key components of a successful ABM strategy?
A strong ABM strategy includes identifying target accounts, aligning sales and marketing teams, developing personalized content, leveraging automation and AI for engagement, and measuring account-specific performance metrics to optimize campaigns.
What industries benefit the most from account-based marketing?
ABM is particularly effective in B2B industries with high-value deals and long sales cycles, such as technology, SaaS, finance, and healthcare. Companies in these sectors benefit from ABM’s ability to nurture relationships with key accounts and improve conversion rates.
How does account-based marketing differ from traditional marketing?
ABM focuses on targeting specific high-value accounts rather than casting a wide net for leads. Unlike traditional marketing, which aims to attract as many prospects as possible, ABM aligns sales and marketing efforts to engage key decision-makers with personalized strategies and tailored messaging.
Does HubSpot have AI tools?
Absolutely! HubSpot AI offers a suite of intelligent tools integrated across its platform to optimize marketing, sales, and customer service. By leveraging AI and Smart CRM data, businesses can automate workflows, personalize customer experiences, and improve overall efficiency.
Is HubSpot Copilot free?
You can access Breeze Copilot and select Breeze AI features for free in HubSpot, allowing you to automate tasks, generate content, and enhance workflows without upfront costs.
Does HubSpot use OpenAI?
Yes, HubSpot integrates OpenAI to enhance its AI-powered features. When using AI assistants, HubSpot logs and stores prompts, generated content, and usage data while sharing prompts with OpenAI for content moderation and improvement.
Does HubSpot have chatbots?
Yes, HubSpot provides AI-powered chatbots that help automate conversations with website visitors. These bots can qualify leads, book meetings, and create support tickets, ensuring seamless customer interactions and improved engagement.
What information Hublead imports when I add a new contact?
Hublead will import: First name, Last name, LinkedIn URL, Job title, Profile picture, City, Country and LinkedIn URL.
Can I use our own LinkedIn URL Property?
Currently, it's not possible to utilize your own LinkedIn URL property within our system; we exclusively use the "LinkedIn Profile URL (Hublead)" property we generate. However, you can transfer the data from your property to ours either by setting up a workflow or by exporting your data to a CSV file and then importing it into our property.
Does Hublead supports LinkedIn Recruiter?
Yes it does but it is in beta, please let us know in the chat so we can enroll you in the beta.
Is Hublead working with all LinkedIn Sales Navigator plans?
Yes Hublead supports all LinkedIn Sales Navigator plans (Core, Advanced and Advanced Plus)
Do I need LinkedIn Sales Navigator to use Hublead?
No you do not need LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
I have already a LinkedIn URL, does Hublead take this into account?
We can use your custom LinkedIn URL, you change that in the dashboard. By default we create a property named "LinkedIn Profile URL (Hublead)".
Can Hublead sends LinkedIn Message from HubSpot?
No, at this moment it is not possible but we are working on it, contact us to enroll in the beta.
Does Hublead works on Safari?
No, Hublead connects HubSpot and LinkedIn thanks to a Chrome extension so it only works on Chrome.
Can I use Hublead on iPad?
No you cannot use Hublead on iPad. Chrome app on iOS does not support chrome extensions.
Which plan should I choose?
Our pricing plans are built for different businesses and needs, Hublead plans adapt to all business sizes.
Is Hublead's data GDPR & CCPA compliant?
Yes, our data is fully committed and compliant to the GDPR & CCPA requirements.
Do you integrate with other CRMs than HubSpot
We only integrate with HubSpot for now, if you would like to integrate with another CRM, please contact us at contact@hublead.io
Is it possible to synchronise LinkedIn conversations automatically on HubSpot?
Yes, in the Business plan we can synchronise LinkedIn conversations to HubSpot automatically. Otherwise you will need to synchronise manually in the Profressional plan by clicking on "Sync conversation" on LinkedIn conversation.
Do you find Email & Phone number?
Yes, we do import emal & phone number in HubSpot when we found it. We only show these information when we are 100% sure it's prospect's email & phone number.
How do you prevent from deduplicate contacts?
Whenever you open a LinkedIn contact, we search in your HubSpot if the contact exists already. We search according to a mix of these variables: First name, Last name, Job title, Company name, Website URL, Email & Phone email.
If a contact have more than one current company, which company do you import?
In this case, after clicking on "Add to CRM", a popup will display and you will be invited to select the right company you want to import. After selecting the company, we then search in the CRM if it exists and create the company if it does not.
When creating a new company, what information do you import?
If we create a company we import all necessary information in HubSpot: Company name, Domain, Website URL, City, Country/Region, Description, Linkedin company url, Number of employees, Language, Industry.
Do you create a new company for every new contact imported?
It depends, when importing contacts, we search in HubSpot if the company already exists in your CRM thanks to website URL. If it does exist, we just import the contact and associates the contact to the company, otherwise we create the company.
What information do I get when importing contacts?
When clicking on our "Add to CRM" button, you directly import the LinkedIn contact to HubSpot and synchronise these information: First name, Last name, Linkedin profile url, Job title, Website URL, City, Country/Region & Language.

Plans and payments

What does 1 email credit mean?
Using one email credit with the "Enrich" button fetches an external email for your HubSpot contact from sources like Apollo.io and Hunter.io, beyond LinkedIn.
Can I pay on a monthly basis?
Yes, you need to click on the toggle annual/monthly to change.
Can I pay via invoice or wire transfer?
You can pay via invoice on the annual plans. We do not accept wire transfer.
Can you charge me in my local currency?
No, we accept payment only USD.
Do you offer any discounts?
Yes! When you choose to pre-pay for a year of service, you'll automatically receive a discount compared to monthly payments.
What if I decide to cancel?
If you no longer wish to use Hublead, you may at any time. You will receive a prorated credit for the remainder of that month's billing cycle.
Do you have a free trial of your premium features
Yes, when you install Hublead for the first time you will be able to import up to 10 contacts and 10 messages to try. You can also test our email finder with 10 free email credits.