Import LinkedIn invitations

August 1, 2024
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Only available for users with a Business plan, if you want to try it please ask us through the chat.

How does it work?

As you navigate LinkedIn, we monitor and record your recent connection requests, logging them into HubSpot.

Additionally, when you visit LinkedIn profiles, we update HubSpot to reflect whether you're connected with each contact.

Use our CRM Card

You can view the status of the connection on a HubSpot contact on our CRM card or custom events, like below.

CRM card on your HubSpot contact:

LinkedIn connection status on the CRM card

Custom event on your HubSpot contact:

LinkedIn connection in HubSpot custom events

Build contact list

Create contact lists and reports to track LinkedIn invitations - see who's received, pending, or accepted.

HubSpot contact list to see LinkedIn connections sent

You can re create these lists with the same filter below (use the full name of your HubSpot user).

Invitations Sent

First create a contact list and find Hublead custom event:

Hublead find custom event in hubspot contact list
hublead find hubspot custom event linkedin invitations

Then select filter by Hublead user with their full name (same in HubSpot).

hubspot contact list with linkedin invitation accepted

Invitations Accepted

hubspot contact list with linkedin invitation sent

Invitations Pending

hubspot contact list with linkedin invitation sent

View your colleague's network

Our CRM Card lets you see which colleagues are connected to your prospects, making it easy to request referrals.

View linkedin invitations on HubSpot contact