Mastering HubSpot Sales Funnel Stages

October 3, 2024
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Success in sales relies on effective funnel management. HubSpot's funnel tracks leads through every stage, from awareness to retention.

In this article, we’ll show you how to navigate HubSpot’s sales funnel to boost conversions, close deals faster, and strengthen customer relationships.

Key Takeaways

  • The HubSpot sales funnel reflects today's complex buyer journey and needs constant optimization.
  • Customizing deal stages in HubSpot CRM is key for tracking leads and forecasting revenue.
  • Regular analysis with HubSpot tools refines strategies, boosting customer value and close rates.

What is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is a visualization of the journey prospects take before becoming customers. It encompasses every interaction from their first touchpoint with your brand to the closing of a deal.

Each stage in the funnel is vital in guiding leads through the process, helping sales teams understand where prospects are and what they need to advance to the next stage.

Hubspot sales funnel linked with sales pipeline stages - visual representation Hublead

In HubSpot, these stages are customizable to fit your business model, but they generally follow a structure that mirrors the customer's journey:

  1. Awareness
  2. Consideration
  3. Decision

HubSpot’s sales funnel stages are crucial for segmenting prospects, nurturing them appropriately, and ensuring that your team follows the correct process.

Decoding HubSpot Sales Funnel Stages

Sales today is anything but simple. The buyer's journey has evolved from a straight path to a more complex, winding process with unexpected twists. Customers now have more control and often research extensively before engaging with sales teams.

Success in sales and marketing comes through consistent optimization, with every stage requiring attention and precision—a key role for any sales and marketing team.

HubSpot offers the tools and visual aids to keep your sales pipeline in sync and running smoothly. Here's an in-depth look at each stage of the sales funnel.

Awareness: The Entry Point

The Awareness stage is where your leads first encounter your brand. At this point, they may not yet be familiar with your product or services but have identified a problem or need that requires a solution.

In HubSpot, this typically corresponds to capturing Subscribers—those who have shown initial interest, such as by subscribing to your blog or signing up for a newsletter.

Awareness Stage - Sales Funnel - Subscriber lifecycle stages - HubSpot data for sales pipeline

Based on my experience, here’s what I recommend for the Awareness Stage:

  • Provide educational materials like blogs, ebooks, and guides to position yourself as a thought leader.
  • Use lead magnets such as free tools, trials, or quizzes to gather contact information.

Consideration: Nurturing Leads

Once a lead has moved into the Consideration stage, they are actively researching solutions. This is the point where lead scoring becomes essential to ensure the right prospects move forward.

HubSpot’s lead scoring feature helps prioritize leads based on their engagement with your content, such as visiting key pages or downloading resources.

Leads in this stage are typically classified as Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs).

Custom properties on your reports to see where lead are in the sales funnel - HubSpot

From my experience, here’s what works best in the Consideration Stage:

  • Use email marketing campaigns to nurture leads with targeted content.
  • Offer webinars, case studies, and in-depth product comparisons.
  • Implement HubSpot’s predictive lead scoring to automate lead qualification and focus on high-potential leads.

Decision: Converting Prospects

The Decision stage is where leads are ready to engage directly with your sales team. They have explored their options and are evaluating whether your product or service is the right fit.

HubSpot tracks this stage using Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) and Opportunities, which are leads that have interacted with your sales team and shown serious intent to purchase.

At this point, it’s critical to ensure your sales reps are equipped to handle objections, close deals, and convert leads into customers.

Sales and marketing funnel - check lead status and deal progresses in HubSpot using reports and list membership - Hublead

From my experience, the Decision Stage is where you really need to focus on making things as easy as possible for your leads. Here’s what’s worked for me:

Optimizing HubSpot’s Sales Funnel

Customizing and optimizing each stage of your HubSpot sales funnel is essential for creating a process that aligns with your business model and goals. Here’s how to get the most out of each part of your sales funnel.

Understanding Deal Pipelines and Deal Stages

The first step in mastering HubSpot’s sales funnel is customizing your deal pipelines.

Deal pipelines help you visualize your sales process, predict revenue, and identify any roadblocks that may slow down progress.

HubSpot deal stages are the key steps within your deal pipelines that signal the progress of an opportunity, showing your sales team how close they are to closing a deal.

Seven deal stages in the deal pipeline that showcase the customer journey in HubSpot

HubSpot's Default Deal Stages

HubSpot offers seven default deal stages, each with an assigned deal probability that indicates the likelihood of closing:

Percentage likelihood of closing deals in HubSpot with deal stage name - set up default deals stage - sales pipeline

While these default stages work for many businesses, companies with more complex sales processes may need to adjust or add deal stages to fit their unique needs.

You can also personalize each stage’s probability to improve the accuracy of your revenue forecasting.

For even more flexibility, HubSpot Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise users can create up to 50 different pipelines, enabling customization for various products, services, or customer segments.

Tracking and Managing Deal Progression

Once your deal pipelines are set up, the next step is to track how leads progress through the funnel.

HubSpot’s CRM provides tools to monitor deal movement, making it easier to identify bottlenecks or slow-moving deals.

HubSpot Key Tools for Tracking Deal Progression:

  • Deal Movement Reports: These reports offer insights into how long leads remain at each stage, helping sales managers pinpoint areas that need attention.
Determine the amount of time each lead stay at each stage of the deal pipeline - HubSpot sales data report for decision maker
  • Deal Change History: This feature allows you to review the history of each deal’s progress, helping you trace changes and refine your strategy based on historical data.

By leveraging these tools, you can ensure that your sales process is efficient, organized, and optimized for success.

Identifying Bottlenecks and Optimizing Lead Progression

HubSpot makes it easy to trace lead progression and identify bottlenecks in your sales funnel.

For example, if leads tend to stall at the “Qualified to Buy” stage, it may indicate that your sales team needs more resources or better follow-up tactics.

Addressing Bottlenecks Effectively:

  1. Analyze Lead Quality: Make sure your team is focusing on qualified leads.
  2. Adjust Stage Probabilities: Ensure the probability of closing is accurate at each deal stage.
  3. Improve Follow-Up: Automate workflows and create sequences to ensure timely follow-up and engagement with leads.

Maximizing Efficiency with Workflows and Automation

Automation is key to streamlining your company's sales process. HubSpot’s CRM offers a variety of automation tools, such as workflows that automatically move deals through the pipeline based on lead activity.

For example, if a lead engages with certain content or attends a product demo, HubSpot can automatically advance that deal to the next stage.

Top Automation Tips:

If you're curious and want to dive deeper into workflows, we have another article on 10 Workflow Examples You Can Implement for Your Sales Team—it’s packed with practical ideas to streamline your process.

Leveraging Data to Refine Sales Strategies

HubSpot’s analytics and reporting tools are integral for refining your sales funnel. These reports provide a bird’s-eye view of your entire pipeline, highlighting which stages are performing well and which need improvement.

Key Metrics to Track:

  • Conversion Rates: Analyze how many leads successfully move from one stage to the next.
  • Lead Response Times: Measure how long it takes your team to follow up with leads at various stages.
Company determine lead response time using hubspot data reports - sale pipeline
  • Revenue Forecasting: Use deal stage probabilities to predict future revenue more accurately.
revenue forecast of new deal and closed won in hubspot deal stages

By continuously reviewing these metrics, you can ensure that your sales funnel remains optimized and that your team is focusing on the right leads at the right time.

Enhancing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Through Post-Sale Strategies

The final goal of any sales funnel is not just to close deals but to build lasting relationships that increase Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

Importance of Customer Lifetime Value Data for Sales Funnel in HubSpot

HubSpot CRM allows businesses to stay engaged with customers post-sale, offering opportunities for cross-sells, upsells, and renewals.

Post-Sale Best Practices:

  • Automated Follow-Ups: Use workflows to automatically send follow-up emails or satisfaction surveys after a deal closes.
Create and conduct customer satisfaction surveys in HubSpot to  increase the customer lifetime value
  • Track Customer Interactions: HubSpot CRM makes it easy to track every interaction with a customer, from initial purchase to future engagements.
  • Increase CLV: By staying in touch and providing value after the initial sale, you increase the likelihood of repeat business and long-term loyalty.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does HubSpot help with sales funnels?

HubSpot CRM lets you easily create and customize sales funnels, giving your team insights to close deals more effectively.

What is a sales funnel?

A sales funnel maps the customer journey, from initial awareness to purchase, outlining the steps a prospect takes before becoming a customer.

Why do businesses need a sales funnel?

A sales funnel helps convert prospects into customers by guiding leads through each stage of the buying process.

What causes a sales funnel to fail?

Funnels fail due to poor audience understanding, weak CTAs, or neglecting lead nurturing.

Which businesses benefit from using a sales funnel?

Any business offering products or services benefits from a sales funnel to guide prospects and avoid missed sales.